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Abrams Extra 11/4/16


Abrams Extra November 4, 2016



New AHA logo 2011


In This Issue
Candle Lighting
Conference Schedule
Book Fair
Petting Zoo
Abrams Residence Visit
EITC and LLC Opportunities
Basketball Tryouts
Challah Bake
Lunch Menu
Security Reminders
Car Pool Rules
Abrams Notes

Join Our List
November 4, 2016/ 3 Cheshvan
Candle Lighting 5:37 pm/ Noach

Rabbi Budow   


Dear Parents:
This week I’d like to share a letter with you that I received from a board member and alumni parent. This moving testimonial to Abrams is a beautiful validation of everything that Abrams embodies, and I am grateful to my faculty and staff who help me to fulfill the mission of the school.


Dear Rabbi Budow,

I want to take this opportunity to share with you my thoughts on an Abrams education as my youngest child has now moved on to high school.

With increasing pressures on Jewish students on college campuses with BDS and anti-Israel sentiment ever-present, I find that my two older children, now in college, have tools and resources that many other Jewish students either don’t have or don’t embrace.  They know who they are.  They understand the issues and do not shy away from difficult discussions with those on campus.  In addition, as far as observance, I couldn’t be more proud when my children needed to approach their professors who were giving tests on the high holidays and they asked to take the test at another time whereas Jewish friends of theirs felt uncomfortable missing the tests.   My two children in college, have embraced their Judaism and attend services regularly and are active in Hillel and in Jewish activities on campus, and have created a culture of Jewish observance with and among their peers. 

At Abrams, in addition to a strong secular education, all three of my children learned to love being Jewish! I can say that before attending Abrams, they did not have this feeling. They resented Hebrew school -since it took them away from their extracurricular sports activities. They had no interest in attending services or in increasing Jewish observances. 

My children take pride in being Jewish. 
This is the greatest gift I could have given them. Invaluable. This is a gift that will continue to keep giving (G-d willing) to their children…

Thank you for all the work you do to create a love of Israel and love of Jewish values and observances.

Abrams is a special place. It has helped us to make significant changes in our lives. 

Thank you to your committed and talented faculty and staff!!

Shana Tova!!

Jill Schwartz-Chevlin, MD



Conference Schedule
Wednesday, November 9th and 
Tuesday, November 15th 
  • THERE WILL BE NO SCHOOL ON WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9th for students in grades K- 8
  • School WILL be in session on Tuesday, November 15th. There will be no disruption in classes
Grades K-4:
Wednesday, November 9- 2:00 PM- 7:45 PM
Parents will meet with teachers on a first come-first served basis.
GRADES 5, 6, 7, & 8:
Wednesday, November 9th and Tuesday, November 15th.
Conferences are on a first come-first served basis. The scheduled conference day is based on student’s last name as follows:
Students with last names A – L-
Wednesday, November 9- 2:00 PM – 7:45 PM
Students with last names M – Z-
Tuesday, November 15- 9:30 AM- 11:30 AM
All teachers K-8 will be in the gym on Wednesday, November 9
All teachers will be in the Lunchroom on Tuesday, November 15
Conferences will be limited to 10 minutes.

Book Fair

2013 book fair
Support the PTO and help Abrams! 
Book Fair Schedule:
Friday, November 4 
8:30 am -2:00 pm
Monday, November 7 through 
Thursday, November 10
8:30 am -4:00 pm
Wednesday, November 9 (Parent Conference Day)
 2:00 pm -5:00 pm


Volunteers needed! 
Contact Meryl Widensky:

Petting Zoo



In celebration of this week’s Parsha Noach, Abrams’ own Noah, aka Rabbi O, led the lower and middle school grades on a journey through the playground to see and feed some of the animals he was taking on the ark. The animals included a llama, chickens, a tortoise, deer, bunnies, goats, and more!

Visit to Abrams Residence

The 8th grade visited the Abrams Residence this week and took part of their time to “interview” the seniors. The students had some prepared questions to ask in order to get started, but the conversations soon turned to informal discussions. It is interesting to see how much the seniors and the students seem to find in common despite the disparity in age and experience. Some lively discussions were held about current events, and the seniors offered some astute observations while analyzing today’s society compared to their world “back in the day.”
As always, both groups were sorry to see the visit end and are looking forward to the next get-together. Thanks to the Legacy Heritage Fund for the grant opportunity and promoting inter-generational relationships.


EITC and LLC Opportunities

Dear Abrams Community:
I am very proud that Abrams has built an infrastructure at Abrams that provides our students with everything that a day school needs for success. Just during the past year we have added a new music teacher, a school nurse, and a new resource room teacher. I am extremely proud of my staff, and when I observe them in the classroom and on school trips their actions reinforce my conviction that we have a winning team at Abrams.
How does one maintain this environment of success? Quite simply, the EITC program has made this happen and can continue to do so with YOUR help. There are even more opportunities for Abrams to benefit from this PA tax credit program now. As you may know, last year the Jewish Scholarship LLC was formed that enables individuals who cannot participate through their businesses participate in the EITC program as individuals. Abrams received over $100,000 from LLC funding last year, and the Jewish Scholarship LLC has just told us that it has applied for additional EITC funds that will be available very soon. The entire process could be complete within the next few weeks.
Time is critical- if you are an individual who pays $5,000 or more in PA State income taxes you may be eligible to join the LLC and participate in the EITC program on behalf of Abrams. The Abrams administration is not expert on this program, but we are in contact with the people at the Jewish Scholarship LLC and at the Foundation for Jewish Day Schools who are proficient in the workings of the program and will walk you through the entire process, answer your questions, and make participation very simple.
Please do not ignore this message- the results of our participation will determine next year’s allocations from EITC and significantly impact our ability to continue to provide the very best education and services to as many Jewish children as possible.
Please call me (215) 584-7919 and I will tell you whom to call. For more information please visit:


Rabbi Ira Budow


Basketball Tryouts
Boys Tryouts                 Girls Tryouts
Monday                          Tuesday
November 7, 2016           November 8, 2016
Grades 6-8- Boys and Girls
Abrams Gymnasium- 3:45 pm to 4:45 pm
All students must be picked up no later than 5:00 pm 
For further information please see Mr. Gowton
Girl’s first practice: Thursday, Nov. 10
Boy’s first practice: Monday, Nov. 14
All practices will be held in the Samuel Abrams Gymnasium from 3:45 pm to 4:45 pm.
Final roster will be posted in the gymnasium the day after tryouts.


The Great Big Challah Bake


Lunch Menu
Food from Espresso Cafe:
Penne with vegetables & Feta
 Israeli salad
American cheese baguette
Caesar salad
Fettuccine with marinara sauce
Greek salad
Egg salad & tuna salad sandwiches
Available Every Day:
Bagels, butter & cream cheese
French Fries
Hash Browns
Lunch cost:  $5 per day


Safety and Security Reminders



Just a reminder of AHA security procedures:

  • All parents should use the front door to enter the school with key cards and not the back doors. Parent swipe cards only work at front door.
  • Please do not ask students to open any doors- parents must report to the front office and check-in before entering the school.
  • No student or other person should use the lunchroom doors other than for dismissal or emergency purposes.

These rules are for our children’s safety.

Thank you for your cooperation!




Car Pool Rules 

All Parents who Car Pool:


Please note that the car pool line is for grades N and K only. All other students are to be dropped off in the front of the building.


Parents who use the back for drop off should follow the directions of the teachers in the parking lot. They are there to assist students and maintain a safe environment.  


Under no circumstances are parents to park their cars in the middle of the line and leave them unattended to walk students into the building.  


** We ask that parents refrain from cellphone use in the parking areas while dropping off and picking up their children.


Abrams Notes

Birthday Celebrations at School
When sending birthday treats into school to celebrate that special day for your child, please consider sending in a healthy treat, such as frozen fruit bars, rice cakes, fruit salad or cups, sugar free pudding snacks, yogurt cake or pie, cheese sticks, light popcorn or air popped popcorn (when age appropriate), pretzels, carrots/celery (when age appropriate).Please avoid nuts because of allergies.

In order to maintain a consistent kashrut policy and to avoid confusion, ALL orders for birthday cakes/cupcakes MUST be ordered from Cramer’s Bakery, 16 E. Afton Avenue, Yardley. Cramer’s will deliver the order to the school at a discounted price.

Please call Kim Pierce at 215-321-5707 to place your cake/ cupcake order.


Celebrate Your Simcha at Abrams


Abrams Hebrew Academy is a perfect choice to host your family or social affair, business meeting or athletic event.  Whether you’re looking for an inviting space to celebrate a special occasion; a meeting area with state-of-the art technology; a fun, safe environment for a child’s birthday; or a gym or athletic field for a sporting event, Abrams can accommodate your needs and your budget.  For more information on room rentals at Abrams Hebrew Academy, call (215) 493-1800 or e-mail info@abramsonline.org.

Check Your Child’s Assignments with Homework Now

Parents- all homework will be posted on-line by all teachers grades K-8 by Sunday evening each week.

Instructions for use of homeworknow.com:

Click on homeworknow.com

Click on Parent and Student

Click on find school

Click on Pennsylvania

Click on Abrams Hebrew Academy

Click on your child’s teacher

View homework assignments


Share Abrams News With Others

Is there a family member (such as a grandparent) or friend who would be interested in hearing about everything going on at Abrams?  Sign them up for our e-mail list today!  Please contact the Main Office.

Information about the Extra

Please submit any information to be considered for inclusion in the Extra to Dale Sattin, Director of Development & Communications: dsattin@abramsonline.org. (215) 493-1800 ext. 22 by

Wednesday of the target week.


Abrams Hebrew Academy, 31 West College Avenue, Yardley, PA 19067
Sent by dsattin@abramsonline.org in collaboration with
Constant Contact




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