AHA 8th Grade Volunteers at TASK
On Tuesday, March 22 a group of AHA 8th grade students volunteered at the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen (TASK). Ms. Abramowitz and Dr. Porwancher accompanied our students as they “shared the love” with the Trenton residents who benefit from the meals offered at TASK.
TASK services also include outreach programs such as adult education, computer training, health care counseling, screening and referrals, social services, children’s activities, and arts and crafts.
Abrams Hebrew Academy continues to fulfill its mission of teaching and practicing Chesed with our students. We want our children to understand that a mitzvah is not only a commandment or a good deed, but also an action that makes a connection to Hashem. Below are some of the comments from our students who volunteered at TASK:
“Some of the individuals at TASK came in for just food, or a particular service offered to them by TASK. Others also came for a smile, and I noticed that when I talked in a cheery tone, and smiled widely and happily, the individual with whom I was communicating instantly seemed happier. Everyday I think of how fortunate I am. I am so grateful that yesterday I got the chance to make someone’s day.” -Brielle
“What impacted me, was how grateful the people were for our services. A large number of people came up to us to thank us personally, and it really showed how appreciative they were of us. It really made me feel that I was doing a good thing.” -Yair
“I was really impressed by the level of respect with which the servers treated all the individuals who came into TASK to have a meal. That gave me a new perspective on how I look at people, as appearances can be deceiving, and they all have their own story that the servers at TASK, as well as myself, appreciate.” -Sabrina
Many thanks to Ms. Abramowitz for organizing this community service experience.
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